Kidnergarten - Vratsa, Bulgaria

Kidnergarten - Vratsa, Bulgaria

Hydrogenera® installed one AEM system to optimize two 80 KW boilers in a Kindergarten in Vratsa, Bulgaria.
During the heating period, the hydrogen system improved the facility's economy by 60% in the first year of operation, leading the municipality to secure financing for a hydrogen farm. The farm will provide the Kindergarten's energy needs and achieve energy independence. The system was installed in May 2021, with a reported 60% improvement in economy from October 2021 to April 2022. The hydrogen system is used during the heating period and it improved the economy of the Kindergarten by 60% for the first year of exploatation.

  • Installed: May 2021
  • Reported economy for the period:
    -> October 2021 - April 2022 = 60%